Our Rings

My engagement ring is BEAUTIFUL! It's pretty much exactly what I wanted. Jesse did a great job picking it out. :-)
It fit perfectly when he got it for me. However, I've lost about 15 pounds since then, so now we have to get it resized (both a good and a bad thing). We're waiting to do this, though, until closer to the wedding. I don't want to have to get it resized multiple times if I can help it.

We went and picked out our wedding bands about a week ago. Mine had to be ordered, though, because they only had it in white gold at the store, and obviously, I want yellow to match my engagement ring. It will be another month or so before it comes in.

Jesse picked out a plain gold band, but we've had a little bit of stress over this, mostly because Jesse doesn't really like spending money on himself. The band we currently have is a comfort fit style, so it has a slightly bigger gauge than a regular band. I feel that this will be better for him because he's such an active person, but he thinks that he'd be fine with the other band. It mostly comes down to the fact that the comfort fit band costs a little over $100 more than the regular band, but he also feels that the comfort fit band domes a little more than the other one. Since we have 30 days to change our minds, we're going to go back soon and look at the other band again. Once everything is figured out, I will post pictures of the final decision.